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Renco Foundation
Solidarity Budget


Renco Foundation has approved its budget for 2021 as always focused  on the Zanzibar Maternal and Child Health Clinic, which last year hit another record for annual births: 485 compared to 108 in 2018. That means a 349% increase, confirming the  clinic high standard, which already reached 420 deliveries in 2020. The free care offered to the island’s women and children under the age of 5 is now steadily above 5,600 cases, while the clinic also bears the organizational difficulties of the nearby public hospital in Nungwi. Economic support from  Renco Foundation is worth a total of 116,000 euros.

During the year, the opening  of the new inclusive playground within the Miralfiore park came to fruition. At the same time, Villa Molaroni  management activities continue with a 13.63 percent increase in visitors in 2021 compared to 2020. Washington Patrignani Maritime Museum, even in 2021 had to record two periods of extended closure between January and April due to covid.

New projects for the current year, disclosed at the board meeting, mainly concern the revitalization of the presence in Mozambique, through partnerships with non-profit organizations strongly structured in that country and through rethinking the health project from Palma to Pemba, including possible support for Pemba refugees in partnership with Total.

Renco Foundation’s overall budget remains focused on the Kendwa Maternal and Child Health Clinic in Zanzibar and the dedicated Pemba Health Project in Mozambique.
Renco Foundation for “5 per mille” purposes: tax code 92057680412

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